Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Runner, Part 1

To be honest, I am not an ace at all - never been. But I like sports, I really do. Basketball is my favorite team game. I just love it. (Note to myself: Look for a local old men's team.)
But it's no fun at all as long as you're in a bad shape. That's the reason why I am running for training. As a part-time runner I have to start over every year after winter's break. Today the second week has just begun.
Here's how I started over last week:
  1. running: 6x 2:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 1:30 minutes
  2. rest
  3. running: 4x 3:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 1:30 minutes
  4. rest
  5. running: 6x 2:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 1:30 minutes
  6. rest
And here's second week's program:
  1. running: 6x 3:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 1:30 minutes
  2. rest
  3. running: 4x 5:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 2:00 minutes
  4. rest
  5. running: 6x 3:00 minutes, intermediate walking: 1:30 minutes
  6. rest
As I said, second week has just begun. It's not exhausting; key point is discipline and constancy - well, I think that's why it's called training. And it feels good after all.

CU - GU!

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